Advanced Personal Empowerment Level!
Reiki 3A has the greatest degree of acceleration of all of the Personal Empowerment Practitioner Levels of Reiki.
Reiki 3A is ideal for students who desire to increase the Reiki energy through learning the Reiki Attunement formula!
Reiki Degree 3A permanent alignment.
The 3rd Degree 'key' known as “The Great Light” in Tibetan Buddhism which magnifies the power of protection for yourself and enhances the bliss of your Reiki Sessions bathing you in pure light.
Step by step instructions in the use of the 'key' and its application.
Step by step instructions in the use of energy techniques to further boost the power of your energy.
The Reiki Degree 3A Manual and Certificate on completion of the course.
Reiki Degree 3A greatly expands the power of your Reiki energy even further and gives you the ability to access more of the infinite universal energy. It supplies more nourishing energy to your solar plexus area and your digestive system enhancing greater awareness and self empowerment.
Healing at a deeper mental level. Reiki Degree 3A helps to improve your memory and mind.
Reiki Degree 3A highlights your Third Eye centre expanding your intuitional abilities for greater clarity and inner guidance. It creates greater balance and divine harmony to all aspects of your life by dissolving and transmuting physical, emotional and mental blockages.
How to apply the 3rd Degree Reiki symbol directly with the body’s energy centres to further expand your life force energy, boost and balance all levels of your being and consciousness including learning about a greater power of divine protection for yourself from negative interference from electrical objects, negative thought programs and patterns of others and even your own self sabotage.
The formula of two powerful energy techniques to increase your energy levels and amplify the power of Reiki Treatments:
First Degree boosting energy technique, which allows you to activate the person's hands to the Reiki energy for a short term giving them the ability to use the healing and empowering benefits of the Reiki energy.
Second Degree boosting energy technique, which amplifies and greatly expands the power of your energy permanently.
How to send the energy distantly to:
other people to assist them with their healing. You can actually see the “glow” in a persons eyes after they have received a Reiki energy booster. It is a gentle and perfect way to empower your family, friends, loved ones and clients to the magical energy of Reiki;
personal empowerment projects to accelerate the power of your goal-manifesting.
The application of the Reiki energy to energise your food, water, plants, pets and animals, assist Mother Earth with regeneration, enhance the light and energy and bring harmony to your home, your work and any environment around you wherever you are.